Golf Notes 09 March 2016

Kerry Schnack recorded 71 nett to win the Thursday Monthly Medal for March, with Joan Wright runner up on 75.


Kerry Schnack recorded 71 nett to win the Thursday Monthly Medal for March, with Joan Wright runner up on 75. Rundowns went to Margaret Dennett (75) and Joy Cartner (76). Kerry (1.22cm) also won the approach.

Next Thursday ladies will play a single stableford.

Rae McCliskie recorded nett 67 to win the Saturday Monthly Medal for March, from Robyn Robinson on 72, with Cynthia Draper (0.10cm) winning the ladies’ approach on 6&15.

Thank you to those ladies who brought a plate.

Next week we play a club-sponsored single stableford.


Our March Monthly Medals were played in heavy conditions which didn’t seem to worry some of our members particularly in A Division.

John Hinton recorded nett 65 to win A Division from Mark McAulay on 67, with rundowns to Clinton Dowling (68), Damien Dowling and Bill Cowan (69). In B Division Norm Plath with 72 nett edged out Ken Albion on 73.

Bill Cowan (7.91m) won the A Division pinshot on 1&10, while Norm Plath (2.41m) won the B Division approach.  On 4&13, Michael Stanton (3.21m) won the A Division pinshot with no B Division player reaching the green.

Thanks to those members who provided the tasty after-game snacks.

Next Saturday we play a club-sponsored single stableford, with the following weekend packed, with the Isis Mill Traders’ Day on Saturday and the Men’s Open Day on Sunday – please nominate for both.


Members played a 4bbb Aggregate on Tuesday for the first time in years with some interesting results. Ed Connell and Paul McCarragher combined well to record 68 points from Nigel Radin and Harry Zawacki on 67, with Michael Stanton and Phil Luckett third on 64 on a countback.

Kieth Rule (in the hole) won the Men’s approach on 1&10; Lisa Cooney (1.75m) the Ladies’ approach on 6&15; Kev Denham (0.08m) the Combined approach on 4&13.

John Henderson, Paul; McCarragher and Ray Walker (31 nett) led the Chook Run winners followed by Rae McCliskie, Kieth Rule (32) and Rose Cochrane (33).

Next week is V.I.P. Monthly single stroke competition sponsored by Rusty Usmar. Hit off at 12 noon.